EuroSDR Short Course in Photogrammetry
*** Registration is now closed. ***
Dates: 24th June 2019 – 26th June 2019
Location: Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6, Prague, Czech Republic (map)
Organisers: EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research); Institute for Photogrammetry University of Stuttgart; Faculty of Science, Charles University
Within the last few years, significant changes in photogrammetric systems and production happened. This is most obvious from the sensors side: oblique imaging has been introduced and latest closely integrated LiDAR/imaging sensors became commercially available. UAV-based data acquisition continuously supplements traditional large-format mapping. All this has also induced significant changes in the data processing: from traditional georeferencing to integrated approaches, from stereo to multi-view constellations, from LiDAR versus Dense-image-matching to integrated solutions, from 2.5D point clouds to real 3D meshes.
The course will provide a comprehensive overview of this recent changes and the current state-of-the-art. The first part will focus on the basic principles to refresh the knowledge of participants not so familiar with the theoretical background in photogrammetry and computer vision. In the second part, most recent procedures and further developments are discussed.
Various examples from practical applications and hands-on lessons illustrate the theory.
Topics tackled:
Collinearity concept, General camera model, Bundle Adjustment, Accuracy considerations, Structure-from-Motion, Image matching / Tie point transfer, GNSS & GNSS/inertial supported AT, Direct georeferencing, integrated sensor orientation, advanced sensor orientation methods
Projective Geometry, Homography, Dense Stereo Image Matching, Multi-View Systems, Range Image Fusion for 2.5D and 3D Model Generation
Target Group:
Staff of national mapping agencies, public authorities, other organisations and private companies dealing with photogrammetric production.
Lectures and tutorials will be held by Prof. Norbert Haala and Dr. Michael Cramer from the Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart.
Tuition Fee: €380
Registration closed on 31st May 2019.
Hotels nearby the venue:
Hotel 16 – U Sv. Kateřiny
Park Inn Hotel Prague 2
U Šemíka
Clarion Hotel Prague City
Transport from/to the airport
Taxi – approx. 40 min. If there is no heavy traffic, price about 20 EUR (520 CZK)
Public transport
You can search connections on from the station
“Terminál 2” to “Albertov”; the ticket price is 32 CZK (~ 1.3 EUR)
You can use e.g. Bus no. 119 to “Nádraží Veleslavín”, the Metro line A to “Můstek” (the Metro exit in the direction “Václavské náměstí” and “Vodičkova street”), Tram No. 24 or 14 to “Albertov”.
For further information, please contact Markéta Potůčková ( and/or the EuroSDR Secretariat (