EuroSDR Workshop on Geoprocessing and Archiving of Historical Aerial Images | 3rd and 4th June 2019
More and more countries have digitized or are currently digitizing their archives of aerial images. They are a unique and relatively unexplored means to chronicle land-cover information over the past 100 years with very high spatial resolution. Such data provide a relatively dense temporal sampling of the territories. 3D information can even be retrieved since many surveys were performed under photogrammetric conditions. Therefore, both long-term environmental monitoring studies and historical object detection can be based on the analysis of these very rich time series of images.
We have noticed in the last years an increasing number of scientific papers processing historical airborne images in parallel to an increasing effort of local and national mapping authorities for creating the most complete archives. In a timely manner, it appears necessary to evaluate the current status of the archive digitization process in Europe (from geoferencing to distribution policies) as well as to review current application fields.
On 3rd and 4th June 2019, EuroSDR will organize a workshop on Geoprocessing and Archiving of Historical Aerial Images at IGN headquarters in Saint-Mandé, France. Presentations will be made by representatives from industry, NMCAs and academia.
For more information, click here.