EduServ16 (2018)
*** Registrations for EduServ16 are now closed. ***
The 2018 series EuroSDR Educational Service (EduServ) annually offers four two-week e-learning courses in the field of GeoInformation (GI). It is designed for knowledge transfer from the research to the production domain. Thus, it is mainly focused on participants from NMCAs and industry but also PhD students and researches find the courses interesting as they always reflect latest developments in GI.
The 16th series of e-learning courses from EuroSDR will begin with a pre-course seminar, hosted by prof. Markus Gerke at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, from 26th to 27th February 2018. During the seminar, background material of four e-learning courses will be presented by the tutors, participants will meet the tutors and fellow participants, and the learning platform – Moodle, will be demonstrated.
The four e-learning courses (pdf) are scheduled from March till June 2018. They can be followed over the Internet from any location, thereby allowing participants to update their knowledge with minimum disruption. Courses require about thirty hours of online study.
Oblique Aerial Camera Systems for Mapping Purposes (pdf)
Tutors: Fabio Remondinoa, Isabella Toschia, Markus Gerkeb, and Francesco Nexc
aFBK Trento, bTechnical University Braunschweig, cITC/University of Twente
Oblique airborne photogrammetry is rapidly maturing and being offered by service providers as a good alternative or replacement of the more traditional vertical imagery and for very different applications. Nowadays many companies and most of the European National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies (NMCAs) still rely on the traditional workflow based on vertical photography but changes are slowly taking place also at production level. Some data providers have already run some tests internally to understand the potential for their needs whereas others are discussing on the future role of the oblique technology and how to possibly adapt their production pipelines. At the same time, some research institutions and academia demonstrated the potentialities of oblique aerial datasets to generate textured 3D city models or large building block models. The course provides an overview of oblique camera systems, processing methodologies and best practices with also practical works on oblique aerial blocks.
Dates: 5 -16 March 2018
Topographic Maps through Description and Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery and Cartographic Enhancement (pdf)
Tutors: Joachim Höhlea, Sébastien Lefèvreb, and Bharath Bhushan Damodaranb
aAalborg University, bUniversité Bretagne Sud
The course introduces advanced classification schemes with the goal to produce and update 2D topographic databases. The inclusion of the spatial descriptors such as geometry and shape are important to characterize the topographic objects in the orthoimages. This course will present some of the challenges in mapping from high resolution orthoimages. The solution to these challenges will be provided by the efficient and effective tool called as morphological attribute profiles. They are multi-scale attributes and are constructed by hierarchical representation of the images, thus enabling object-based image analysis. These characterizations are classified using well-established machine learning methods and different data sources (either raw or derived features). Different approaches to assess the thematic and geometric accuracy of maps will be discussed, and lastly the cartographic enhancement of the classification maps at different levels of quality will be presented. Solutions to the tasks are given by means of detailed course material including open source programs.
Dates: 9 - 20 April 2018
Terrestrial Point Cloud for Forest Modelling (pdf)
Tutor: Liang Xinlian, Yunsheng Wang, and Juha Hyyppä
National Land Survey of Finland
Forest data are conventionally collected through labour intensive and time-consuming manual measurement. Terrestrial point cloud became practically available twenty years ago, which documents three-dimensional (3D) environment with millions to billions of 3D points. The last two decades witnessed a rapid growth in the studies and applications. Tremendous efforts were put into research trying to answer key questions of using point cloud data in the forest measurement. The course aims at giving an overview on the state of-the-art of forest modelling utilizing terrestrial point clouds, e.g. from terrestrial laser scanning, mobile laser scanning and series of images. The course will cover several topics ranging from the background information (e.g. the instrument, the measurement principles and the potential applications), the summary of the research progresses in the last two decades, the fundamental steps in the data processing chain (e.g. noise reduction, tree detection, tree modelling and parameter estimations), to the pioneering studies. The course will also work on selected topics to discuss the influences of the terrestrial point clouds on the forest modelling.
Dates: 14 - 25 May 2018
Open Spatial Data Infrastructures (pdf - updated on 8th January 2018)
Tutors: Bastiaan van Loenena, Joep Crompvoetsb, and Lars Bernardc
aTU Delft, bKU Leuven, cTU Dresden
This is an introductory course to Open Spatial Data Infrastructures (Open SDI). SDIs facilitate more and more the accessibility to open (spatial) data and provision of open services. Open SDI refers to standards, technologies, policies, and institutions necessary for opening the open data and services. This course gives a comprehensive overview on the state-of-the art in Open SDI and its key components, introduces the participants to the underlying principles of Open SDI and lets them experience hands-on what it means to establish and maintain an Open SDI. A number of topics will be discussed: key standards, architectures, (network) services, relevant EU-regulations and policies, governance strategies, and key institutions. At the end of the course, participants are: informed about Open SDI strategies around the world, aware of the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Open SDI, familiar with the latest technological developments, capable to facilitate the opening of open data using latest developed tools, and able to evaluate Open SDIs.
Dates: 28 May - 8 June 2018
You can register >>> here <<< for the e-learning courses until 12th February 2018. You will receive a confirmation email within 7 days.
€600 for pre-course seminar + 1 or 2 courses
€700 for pre-course seminar + 3 or 4 courses
€100 for pre-course seminar only
The fee for attending the pre-course seminar is €100. This fee will be deducted from the course fee in case of later subscription to the e-learning courses.
Scholarships - Deadline extended!
A limited number of scholarships will be available to fully cover the course fee and to partially support the travel costs to the pre-course seminar (up to €500). The scholarships are intended to Ph.D./Master students and other applicants with no or very limited financial support from their university or public institution. Successful completion of at least two courses is required from applicants in order to reimburse their travel costs.
In order to proceed with the application:
Register to EduServ.
Fill in the application form that includes a motivation letter, information about professional experience and calculation of travel costs. It is recommended to support the application with a reference letter. Both documents shall be submitted to no later than on 31st January 2018.
Applicants will be informed about the acceptance/rejection of their application latest on 5th February 2018. The approved travel costs will not be refunded before successful completing at least two e-learning courses the applicant registered for!
Please note that you can apply only once for a EuroSDR scholarship.
Room 38, ground floor
Bienroder Weg 81
Map TU Braunschweig (Currently only available in German)
Google Maps
The closest airport is Hannover (HAJ). It is the easiest to take the S5 train to the center of Hannover (17 min). There you can take the train to the central station of Braunschweig (direction Dresden/Leipzig - ±30 min). At the bus station (near the main exit of the central train station), take line 436 in the direction of the airport and get off at the Freyastraße stop (12 min).
A list of hotels offering special conditions can be found here.
Joint dinner
On Monday evening (7 pm), a joint dinner will be organised at the restaurant "Gastwerk" in Braunschweig (Center Mittelweg 7, 38106 Braunschweig -
- I haven't received a confirmation email yet. Did something go wrong?
No. An official confirmation email will be sent to you within 7 days. If you haven't received an email, please contact the secretariat (
- I would like to enroll to the e-learning course(s), but I am not able to attend the pre-course seminar. Is that a problem?
No. It is not obligatory to attend the pre-course seminar. Please note that the fee for attending the pre-course seminar is always included in the total price.
- Is it possible to register for the seminar only?
Yes. The fee for attending the pre-course seminar only is €100. This fee will be deducted from the course fee in case of later subscription to the e-learning courses.
- What does the course fee include?
The course fee includes all course materials, two-weeks of e-learning, participation at a two-day seminar, lunches for the seminar and a joint dinner on Monday evening. Please note that the course fee does not include accommodation and travel costs.
- Can I pay by credit card?
Unfortunately we are unable to accept payment by credit card. However, payments can be made by bank transfer or by invoice.
- Is it possible to request an invoice?
Yes. If you would like to receive an invoice, please contact the secretariat as soon as possible at Please note that EuroSDR does not have a VAT number.
- Who can apply for a scholarship?
The scholarships are intended to Ph.D./Master students and other applicants with no or very limited financial support from their university or public institution. You can only apply for a scholarship if you take active part in all 4 EduServ courses (but we accept if at least two of them are successfully completed). It is important to know that you can apply for a scholarship only once.
- When will I receive the login details of Moodle?
You will receive an email with the login details about a week prior to the start of the e-learning course you registered for.
- Will I receive a certificate?
Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion after successfully completing the e-learning course(s). This certificate will be sent to the address you provided on the registration form latest at the beginning of July. If you haven't received your certificate by then, please contact the secretariat (
In case you did not pass the course(s), it is possible to obtain a certificate of attendance. You can request this certificate by sending an email to
For more information, contact Ms. Tatjana Van Huyck -