2nd Workshop | Geoprocessing and Archiving of Historial Aerial Images
In the last years the availability of digitised historical aerial images is increasing. Such historical datasets are a unique and quite unexplored means to map territorial changes and chronicle land-cover information over the past 100 years with very high spatial and temporal resolutions. 3D information can also be retrieved since many surveys were performed under photogrammetric conditions. Therefore, both long-term environmental monitoring studies and historical object detection can be based on the analysis of these very rich time series of images.
EuroSDR is observing the increasing number of scientific works and digitisation/archiving activities related to historical airborne images in parallel to an increasing effort of local and national mapping authorities for creating web-based platforms to give access to such archives. A first workshop on these topics was organised in 2019 at IGN Paris while a benchmark/dataset was prepared and launched in 2021.
Following this momentum, EuroSDR has organizing the 2nd workshop on the geoprocessing and archiving of historical aerial images which took place in Rome (ICCD main building, via San Michele 18) on 5-6 December 2022.
Presentations were made by representatives from industry, NMCAs and academia. The techical program of the event is available here and included:
- A mission over time: preserving and disseminating historical aerial images guarded by the National Geographic Institute (IGN) of Spain - L. MORAL | IGN-CNIG, SPAIN
- Developments at the UK National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) on the physical preservation and digital imaging of historic aerial photography - A. WILLIAMS | NCAP, UK
- Historical aerial images as material objects: aspects of their deterioration and conservation strategy in AFN - D.S. PALAZZI AND M.G. D'IPPOLITO | AFN-ICCD, ITALY
- Phase One Scan Station vs. high precision photogrammetric scanners: practical experience in performing aerial triangulation in everyday production environment - P. MEIXNER | PRIMIS, CZECH REPUBLIC
- Rapid photogrammetric scanning and processing of aerial film archives - R. THOMAS | GEODYN, GERMAY
- AFS150 - the new, fast photogrammetric scanner for analog airborne imagery - W. ALEITHE | 3DALEITHE, GERMANY
- Digitizing, pre-processing and photogrammetric processing of the RMCA’s historical aerial photographs of central Africa - B. SMETS | ROYAL MUSEUM FOR CENTRAL AFRICA, BELGIUM
- Digitisation of historic aerial images in Baden-Württemberg investigating geometric resolution and accuracy of current digitsation systems - J.SCHULZ, T.HERBST | LGL BW, GERMANY
- RMCA’s historical aerial photographs of central Africa: the collection, its management and its potential for environmental studies - F. KERVYN | ROYAL MUSEUM FOR CENTRAL AFRICA
- Review on the processing and application of historical aerial images in the geosciences - L. PIERMATTEI | WSL, SWITZERLAND
- Serial processing of historical aerial photographs: a story telling the geomorphic impact of cyclones on Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) - C. RAULT AND T. DEWEZ | BRGM, FRANCE
- Semi-Automatic object detection in historical aerial images with a human in the loop - M. BURGES | TU VIENNA, AUSTRIA
- Monoplotting and historical aerial images for 3D GIS - C. BOZZINI | WSL, SWITZERLAND
- Country wide digital vegetation height models from historical stereo imagery for Switzerland - M. MARTY | WSL, SWITZERLAND
- On the use of historical imagery for cadastral photogrammetry: case study from the Heilbronn district - M. CRAMER | UNIV STUTTGART, GERMANY
- Geometric and radiometric processing of historical aerial photogrammetric campaigns - A. LE-BRIS | IGN, FRANCE
- Bringing the Swiss Landscape Memory to Life - N. JABRANE AND H. HEISIG | SWISSTOPO, SWITZERLAND
- Historical aerial images - What’s going on in Norway - H. BULLER | KARTVERKET, NORWAY
- 75 years of historical aerial images from Denmark and Greenland - The process from dusty shelves to website - M.B. NIELSEN AND A. DINDORP | SDFI, DENMARK
- Finding intra-epoch and inter-epoch feature correspondences between pairs of historical aerial images using neural networks - F. MAIWALD | TU DESREN, GERMANY
- Historical Structure from Motion (HSfM): Automated processing of historical aerial photographs for long-term geodetic change analysis - K. KNUTH | UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, USA
- Implicit / Deep georeferencing of WWII aerial reconnaissance images - W. KAREL | TU WIEN, AUSTRIA
- Feature matching for multi-epoch historical aerial images - L. ZHANG, E. RUPNIK, M. PIERROT-DESSEILLIGNLY | IGN FRANCE
- Data models, processing and sharing of historical aerial Images using ArcGIS - M. P. BECKER | ESRI
Fabio Remondino - FBK Trento, Italy
Gianluca Cantoro - CNR-ISPC / ICCD-AFN, Italy