Call for abstracts and stand-alone presentations | 3DGeoInfo 2020

6 May 2020

A quick reminder that the opportunity to submit papers or presentations for 3D GeoInfo 2020 is still open  - you have one of the following options:

1. Submit a 1000-word abstract for the ISPRS Archives (which you will need to extend to a paper later on) - deadline 13th May 2020

2. Submit a 500-word abstract for a standalone presentation (no need to write an academic paper) - deadline 18th May 2020        

As you're already aware, 3DGeoInfo 2020 will be a virtual conference - this means that you don't have to travel to London to give a presentation, and also that we'll be reducing the usual conference fees (we're working out the numbers now and will circulate more information soon).  

Social interaction is also an important part of any conference so let us know if you have ideas for what you'd like to see/how you'd like to interact with people from around the 3DGeoInfo world

Best regards
Claire and the 3DGeoInfo 2020 team