New Publication | Survey on Machine Learning / Deep Learning Projects - Results 2021
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) in Europe could bring benefits such as personalised services for citizens, fewer repetitive tasks for staff members (liberating time for more tasks that have more value as listening, creating, improving services, …), detect harmful content, support decision-making processes where a high number of data and variables are involved, which is more and more frequent when societal challenges are involved.
However there has been very limited initiatives aiming at measuring and understanding the level of AI adoption by NMCAs in Europe. As a follow up action of the successful Joint Virtual Workshop organized by EuroSDR in collaboration with EuroGeographics on “Artificial Intelligence for NMCAs” held on 03-04.02.2021, the Executive Management Team of EuroSDR decided to repeat the EuroSDR survey on Machine Learning / Deep Learning conducted in 2018. EuroSDR received valuable support of swisstopo to successfully launch this survey.
Although this is one of the first attempts to draw the landscape of the use of AI at NMCAs in Europe, the survey provides a unique overview of the current use of AI at NMCAs in Europe – insights which are extremely lacking at this stage and some recommendations to support AI adoption in order to improve their services.
Survey Report - Survey on Machine Learning / Deep Learning Projects (2021)