Preparations for Sentinel 2 in Europe
25 - 26 November 2014 ( Norwegian Space Centre, 6th floor Drammensveien 165, 0277 Oslo )
EuroSDR, Norway Digital and Norwegian Space Centre organised the workshop "Preparations for Sentinel 2 in Europe". The workshop took place in Oslo from the 25th and 26th November at the premises of the Norwegian Space Centre.
Workshop summary and all presentations are available here:
- Summary (pdf)
- Agenda (pdf)
- Presentation 'Sentinel-2 Product and Algorithms' by Ferran Gascon, European Space Agency (pdf)
- Presentation 'Sentinel-2: heading towards launch' by Bianca Hoersch, European Space Agency (pdf)
- Presentation 'MUSCATE: Operational Production of Atmospheric Corrections and Monthly Composites Sentinel-2' by CNES and CESBIO Toulouse (pdf)
- Presentation 'An example of an operational national satellite center in Germany - What is critical for a succesful service' by Tobias Storch, Earth Observation Center and German Aerospace Center (pdf)
- Presentation 'The THEIA Land Data Centre' (pdf)
- Presentation 'Sentinel-2: Pre-processing Requirements for coastal and inland waters' by Kai Sorensen, NIVA, Carsten Brockmann, Brockmann Consult GmbH (pdf)
- Presentation 'Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), Collaborative Exploitation of Sentinel data. What is needed to provide flexible service to users' by Norbert Pfeifer, Christian Briese, Wolfgang Wagner, Vienna University of Technology (pdf)
- Presentations Break-out session day 1: group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5
- Presentation Break-out sessions day 2: group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5